.MA Domain Whois & Lookup
Domain name .ma availability check and whois details
Wow! This domain is still available for registration.
Unfortunately this domain has already been registered.
Whois & Lookup .MA
Use the .MA search bar ('Whois') to find your perfect .MA, or to check who the current registrant of a .MA domain name is.
Simply enter the .MA domain name you're interested in, and you'll immediately see whether it's still available. If it isn't, our suggestion tool will help you choose from the millions of alternatives. So that you get your perfect .MA!
Check .MA Domain Availability
Check whether a .MA Domain Name is available for registration or not via our Moroccan Domain Search Tool.
Find .MA Domain Owner & Information
Use the WHOIS Lookup .MA Information tool to find out a .MA domain's owner, location, ip and other information.
Find out .MA Domain Expiry
Looking out for a .MA domain name that you want to claim? Learn when a domain will expire with our whois & search tools.
What are the requirements to register the .Ma domain?
Generally, there are no restrictions on who can register a Moroccan .ma domain name — any person, organization can own a .Ma domain and use it for any legal purpose.
The period of registration can vary between 1 and 5 years.
Is the activation of my .MA domain name automatic?
Renewal is not automatic. Your banking information is not registered after payment. On the other hand, if you have a balance on your customer account, it will be automatically allocated to your next invoice.
If you pay your renewal invoice, the .Ma domain name will be automatically renewed.
How do I renew my .MA domain name?
Pay your renewing invoice directly from your customer area https://my.aniss.ma or place the renewal order with payment. We will receive and process your order as soon as we can.
Is the renewal of .MA Domains automatic?
The activation of your .MA domain name is done automatically after your payment. A confirmation email is automatically sent to you to confirm the registration.